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How to Match Your NIK as NPWP (Pemadanan Data NIK & NPWP)

Matching NIK data as NPWP is mandated by Law (UU) number 7 of 2021, whose derivative regulations are in Presidential Regulation number 83 of 2021 and Minister of Finance Regulation number 112/PMK.03/2022.

In this regard, the Directorate General of Taxes (DJP) of the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) has decided that the time for full implementation of the NIK to NPWP matching will be in mid-2024. This decision means that the implementation time will be pushed back from the previous one in early 2024.

Tax Instructor Intermediate Expert DJP Yudha Wijaya explained that implementation was postponed because his party would still carry out various tests. Meanwhile, they are waiting for the technical rules or regulations that will regulate the implementation of this policy.

Apart from that, the delay in implementation also aims to ensure that NIK-NPWP can be fully integrated, so that taxpayers still have sufficient time to carry out validation via the DJP online site. Not only that, there are several revisions that will be made to the Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK) number 112/2022 before full implementation in the middle of next year.

By matching NIK and NPWP data, processing tax rights and obligations will only use one identity number, which is through NIK, and people no longer need to remember many identity numbers.

Here is how to do it: 1. Open the site in your browser then press login.

2. Enter the 15 digit NPWP, use the appropriate password, and enter the security code

3. Open the profile menu, enter your NIK according to your KTP, check the validity of your 4. NIK, and click change profile.

5. Then log out/exit the profile menu to later test the success of the validation step.

6/ Login again using your 16-digit NIK, use the same password, enter the security code, and log in. If successful, then validation has been completed.

DJP also claims that there are already 58.7 million NIK that can be used as NPWP as of August 2023.

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